print("type of the variables...")
print("type of a: ", type(a))
print("type of b: ", type(b))
print("type of c: ", type(c))
print("type of d: ", type(d))
print("type of e: ", type(e))
# printing values in decimal format
print("value of the variables in decimal format...")
print("value of a: ", a)
print("value of b: ", b)
print("value of c: ", c)
print("value of d: ", d)
print("value of e: ", e)
# printing values in hexadecimal format
print("value of the variables in hexadecimal format...")
print("value of a: ", hex(a))
print("value of b: ", hex(b))
print("value of c: ", hex(c))
print("value of d: ", hex(d))
print("value of e: ", hex(e))