Here, we will figure out how to print numbers backwards request for example the most effective method to utilize extend() technique in turn around request/diminishing advances.
Given the estimation of N and we need to print numbers from N to 1 in Python.
This strategy is utilized to emphasize a range of esteems.
Essentially, we use range(start, stop)
How about we comprehend by a model, on the off chance that we need to emphasize any circle till a to b, at that point go articulation will be a range(a b+1).
Emphasize backward request
To emphasize go backward request, we utilize 3 parameters
Start – start esteem
Stop – end esteem
Step – Increment/Decrement to the worth
1) To print numbers from B to A
for i in range(B, A-1, -1)
print i
2) To print numbers from B to A by getting away one number between
for i in range(B, A-1, -2)
print i
Program to print numbers from N to 1 in Python
# Python program to print numbers
# from n to 1
# input the value of n
n = int(input("Enter the value of n: "))
# check the input value
if (n<=1):
print "n should be greater than 1"
# print the value of n
print "value of n: ",n
# print the numbers from n to 1
# message
print "numbers from {0} to {1} are: ".format(n,1)
# loop to print numbers
for i in range(n,0,-1):
print i
Enter the value of n: 10
value of n: 10
numbers from 10 to 1 are:
Output 2
Enter the value of n: 1
n should be greater than 1