Here, we are going to actualize rationale to discover factorial of a given number in Python,
there are two techniques that we are going to utilize 1) utilizing circle and 2) utilizing recursion strategy.
Given a number and we need to locate its factorial in Python.
Num = 4
Factorial of 4 is: 24
To locate the factorial, reality() work is written in the program. This capacity will take a number (num) as
1) Method 1: Using loop
# Code to find factorial on num
# number
num = 4
# 'fact' - variable to store factorial
fact =1
# run loop from 1 to num
# multiply the numbers from 1 to num
# and, assign it to fact variable
for i in range (1,num+1) :
fact = fact*i
# print the factorial
print "Factorial of {0} is: {1} ".format (num, fact)
Factorial of 4 is: 24
2) Method 2: by creating a function using recursion method
# function to calculate the factorial
def fact (n):
if n == 0:
return 1
return n * fact (n - 1)
# Main code
num = 4
# Factorial
print "Factorial of {0} is: {1} ".format (num, fact(num))
Factorial of 4 is: 24
contention and return the factorial of the number.