C++ Program to Count Number of Words, Lines and Total Size of a Text File

In this C++ program, we are tallying the number of words, lines and the all-out size of a book record in bytes. I have utilized a content document “story.txt”.

Ensure you previously made this document and have some content in it. Spot this record in a similar index where your source code document is available.


int main()
 ifstream fin("story.txt"); //opening text file
 int line=1,word=1,size; //will not count first word and last line so initial value is 1
 char ch;
 fin.seekg(0,ios::end); //bring file pointer position to end of file
 size=fin.tellg(); //count number of bytes till current postion for file pointer
 fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); //bring position of file pointer to begining of file
  if(ch==' '||ch=='n')
 fin.close(); //closing file
 return 0;


C++ Program to Count Number of Words, Lines and Total Size of a Text File

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