Python program to check Palindrome number using the object-oriented approach

Python program to check Palindrome number using the object-oriented approach

Checking palindrome number: Here, we will figure out how to check whether a given number is a Palindrome number or not utilizing class and objects (object-arranged methodology)? This program will take a number and check whether it is a palindrome number or not? Palindrome Number: The number which is equivalent to invert number know as … Read more

Python program to check Palindrome number using the object-oriented approach

Checking palindrome number: Here, we will figure out how to check whether a given number is a Palindrome number or not utilizing class and objects (object-arranged methodology)? This program will take a number and check whether it is a palindrome number or not? Palindrome Number: The number which is equivalent to invert number know as … Read more

Python program to check Armstrong number using the object-oriented approach

Python program to check Armstrong number using the object-oriented approach

Here, we will figure out how to check whether a given number is an Armstrong number or not utilizing class and objects (object-situated methodology)? Armstrong Number – An Armstrong Number is a number which is equivalent to its the entirety of digit’s block. For instance – 153 is an Armstrong number: here 153 = (111) … Read more

Python program to count the number of objects created

Python program to count number of objects created

We are executing this program utilizing the idea of classes and objects. Initially, we make the Class with “Understudy” name with 1 class variable(counter) , 2 occurrence factors or object traits (name and age), the methods are: Constructor Method: This is made utilizing init inbuilt watchword. The constructor method is utilized to introduce the traits … Read more

Python program to check prime number using the object-oriented approach

Python program to check prime number using object oriented approach

This program will check whether a given number is Prime or Not, in this program we will separate the number from 2 to square base of that number, in the event that the number is isolated by any number in b/w then the number won’t be a prime number. We are executing this program utilizing … Read more

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