PHP Convert a string to a character array

PHP Convert a string to character array

Changing over the string to character cluster: Here, we will figure out how to change over an offered string to a character exhibit in PHP? Given a string and we need to change over it into a character cluster. Example: PHP code to change over the string to the character cluster: Output: Clarification: We utilize … Read more

PHP Create comma delimited string from an array without using library function

PHP Create comma delimited string from an array without using library function

Making a comma-delimited string from an exhibit: Here, we will figure out how we can make a comma-delimited string from a given cluster without utilizing any library function in PHP? Given a cluster and we need to make a comma-delimited string from the exhibit without utilizing library function. Example: PHP code to make comma delimited … Read more

PHP Split comma delimited string into an array without using library function

PHP Split comma delimited string into an array without using library function

Parting string in PHP: Here, we will figure out how to part comma delimited string into a cluster without utilizing library function in PHP? Given a string with comma-delimited, we need to part it into an exhibit. Example: PHP code to part comma delimited string into an exhibit without utilizing library function: Output: Clarification: We … Read more

PHP Reverse a given string without using the library function

PHP Reverse a given string without using the library function

Turning around a string in PHP: Here, we will figure out how to switch a given string in PHP without utilizing the library function. Given a string and we need to turn around it without utilizing a library function. Example: PHP code to switch the string without utilizing library function: Output Clarification: Since we can’t … Read more

PHP Check whether a specific word/substring exists in a string

PHP Check whether a specific word/substring exists in a string

Checking substring in a string in PHP: Here, we will figure out how to check whether a word/substring exists in the string in PHP? Here, we will check a substring and furthermore print its record/position in the string. Given a string and a word/substring, and we need to check whether a given word/substring exists in … Read more

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