PHP program to convert string to uppercase without using the library function

PHP program to convert string to uppercase without using the library function

Changing over the string to capitalized in PHP: Here, we will gain proficiency with the rationale to change over the given string in a capitalized string without utilizing the library function in PHP. Given a string and we need to change over it into a capitalized string without utilizing any library function. PHP code: Output … Read more

How to convert a string to uppercase in PHP?

How to convert a string to uppercase in PHP?

Right now, we will realize, how we can change over a string to capitalize? To change over the string to capitalized, we use strtoupper() strategy which returns capitalized changed over the string. PHP – strtoupper() This strategy takes a string regardless of contention and returns capitalized string. Example Output: Different functions: PHP – ucfirst () … Read more

Check if the string contains a particular character in PHP

Check if string contains a particular character in PHP

Right now, will figure out how to discover and check if the string contains a specific character in PHP? The server-side language PHP is very mainstream in the web industry as a result of its capacity to make dynamic website pages and simplicity of expectation to absorb information for new designers. Working with strings in … Read more

How to convert the array into string in PHP?

How to convert array into string in PHP?

Right now, will figure out how to change over an exhibit into string in PHP utilizing PHP’s worked in function? The server-side scripting language for the web, PHP underpins the cluster information type which has intriguing use cases to store information in the program. As a web designer, it is critical to realize the different … Read more

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