PHP program to create a function to find the addition of two integer numbers

PHP program to create a function to find the addition of two integer numbers

Here, we are going to execute a PHP program/code to discover the total/expansion of two numbers utilizing a client characterized function. Given two numbers and we need to discover their expansion/total in PHP utilizing a client characterized function. PHP code: Output: Code Explanation: The function works by utilizing the standard math activity of including two … Read more

PHP opendir() function with example

PHP opendir() function with example

PHP opendir() function: Here, we will find out about the PHP opendir() function with its syntax, parameters, returns a type, and example. PHP opendir() function The full type of opendir is “Open Directory“, the function opendir() is utilized to open an index. Syntax: Parameter(s): way – It is the way (name) to the index to … Read more

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