PHP str_replace() Function: Here, we will find out about the str_replace() Function with Example in PHP.
PHP str_replace() Function
str_replace() work is utilized to supplant a given substring with determined substring in the string.
str_replace(source_substring, target_substring, string, [count]);
- source_substring is the substring to be supplanted in the string.
- target_substring is the substring to supplant with.
- the string is the primary string where we need to supplant the substring.
- tally is a discretionary parameter and it is utilized to store the absolute number of substitutions.
str = "Hello guys, how are you?"
find = "Hello"
replace = "Hi"
Output: "Hi guys, how are you?"
PHP Code:
$str = "Hello guys, how are you?";
$find = "Hello";
$replace = "Hi";
$target_str = str_replace($find, $replace, $str);
echo ($target_str . "\n");
$str = "Hello Hello this is Hello?";
$find = "Hello";
$replace = "Friends";
$target_str = str_replace($find, $replace, $str);
echo ($target_str . "\n");
//below, we will count total number of replacements
$str = "Hello Hello this is Hello?";
$find = "Hello";
$replace = "Friends";
$count = 0;
$target_str = str_replace($find, $replace, $str, $count);
echo ($target_str . "\n");
echo ("Total replacements: $count \n");
Hi guys, how are you?
Friends Friends this is Friends?
Friends Friends this is Friends?
Total replacements: 3