Python Quick Sort

Here you get python fast service program and algorithmic program.

Quick kind is predicated on divide and Conquer technique. we tend to divide our array into sub-arrays which sub-arrays divided into another sub-arrays so on,

till we tend to get smaller arrays. as a result of it’s simple to unravel little arrays in compare to an outsized array.

Sorting smaller arrays can kind the complete array.

Python fast kind

To understand fast kind let’s take Associate in Nursing example:-


We have Associate in Nursing array [48,44,19,59,72,80,42,65,82,8,95,68]

First of all, we tend to take initial component and place it at its correct place. we tend to decision this component Pivot element.

Note: we are able to take any component as Pivot element except for convenience the primary element is taken as Pivot.

There are 2 conditions to position Pivot at its correct place.

All {the components|the weather} to the left of the Pivot element ought to be smaller than

All {the components|the weather} to the correct of Pivot element ought to be larger than

In given array, we’ll take initial component as Pivot element that is forty-eight. currently place it at its correct place in line with initial 2 conditions.

Here all the weather to the left is smaller and to right are larger than Pivot.

If you confused that however, we tend to placed Pivot at its correct place then wait we’ll discuss it later in partition algorithmic program.

Well, currently we’ll take 2 sub-lists/sub-arrays left and right of our Pivot component (48). Sub-lists are

[42,44,19,8] and [80,72,65,82,59,95,68]

and will additionally take initial component as Pivot element in each and place their Pivot components at their correct places mistreatment partition algorithmic program.

when this step every one of the sub-lists is divided into 2 elements then-new sub-lists will be divided into another two parts so on till we tend to reach the tip.

Pivot component painted by inexperienced colour.

We can write an algorithmic operate for this procedure. There would be 2 terminating conditions. once the sub-list has just one component or

or when no sub-list is created. If the worth of low is adequate up then there’ll be only 1 component

within the sub-list and if the value of low exceeds up then no sub-list is created. thus our algorithmic program is.


Quick[array, low,up]

Where low and up are lower and the edge of the array.

STEP 1: if low>=up then come back

STEP 2: set piv_loc = decision partition(array,low,up)

               [calling partition to search out the situation of pivot]

STEP 3: decision Quick(array,low,piv_loc-1)

                    [Calling fast for left sub-list]

STEP 4: decision Quick(array,piv_loc+1, up)

                    [Calling fast for right sub-list]

Partition [array, low, up]

This algorithmic program is to search out the situation of pivot component and come back it.

STEP 1: set i = low+1

Set j = up

Set pivot = array[low]

STEP 2: while(i pivot )

Decrease j by one

If ( i < j )


Swap the worth of array[i] with array[j]

Increase i by one

Decrease j by one



Increase i by one


STEP 3: set array[low] = array[j]

Set array[j] = pivot

Return j

Time complexness
Best Case: O (n log2n)

Average Case: O (n log n)

Worst Case: O (n2)

Program for Quick Sort in Python

Array = [48,44,19,59,72,80,42,65,82,8,95,68]
low = 0
up = len(Array) - 1
def partition(Array,low,up):
	i = low+1
	j = up
	pivot = Array[low]
		while(Array[i]<pivot and i<up):
			i = i+1
			j = j-1
			Array[i],Array[j] = Array[j],Array[i]
			i = i+1
			j = j-1
			i = i+1
	Array[low] = Array[j]
	Array[j] = pivot
	return j
def quick(Array,low,up):
	piv_loc = partition(Array,low,up)
for i in Array:
	print i,


8 19 42 44 48 59 65 68 72 80 82 95

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