PHP program to generate a random integer between the ranges

PHP program to generate a random integer between the ranges

Here, we will figure out how to produce arbitrary integers between the given extents (start value and end value) in PHP? Irregular integer number age To produce an arbitrary integer, we can utilize random_int() function, which is a library function in PHP, it acknowledges two contentions start_value and end_value and returns an irregular integer among … Read more

PHP program to handle modulo by zero exception

PHP program to handle modulo by zero exception

Here, we will figure out how to deal with an exemption modulo by zero which happens when we partition (utilizing the modulus administrator to discover leftover portion) a number by 0? “The modulo by zero mistakes” tosses when we partition a number by zero to get the rest of modulus administrator (%). It tends to … Read more

PHP program to find integer division using intdiv() function

PHP program to find integer division using intdiv() function

PHP intdiv() function example: Here, we will figure out how to discover the integer division of two given numbers in PHP utilizing intdiv() function? Given two numbers and we need to discover their division in PHP. To discover an integer division of two numbers in PHP, we can utilize intdiv() function, it acknowledges profit and … Read more

PHP minor project for Student Result Management System

PHP minor project for Student Result Management System

PHP Students Result Management System – In this task, we will oversee the understudies result in the executive’s framework. ​This article/venture is an issue-based inquiry in which we will get subtleties of an understudy and will create an outcome. Right now, you need to make a structure in HTML to get the accompanying subtleties of … Read more

How to redirect to another page in PHP?

How to redirect to another page in PHP?

Realize: How to divert to another page in PHP? This article contains total instructional exercise on redirection in PHP, which you can use to divert starting with one page then onto the next. Redirection is an essential piece of the present-day site. On the off chance that something occurs on your site like a client … Read more

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