C# program to copy the content of one file to another file by overwriting the same file name


using System;
using System.IO;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main()
            string data;

            Console.WriteLine("Content Before copy:\n");
            data = File.ReadAllText("source/ABC.TXT");
            Console.WriteLine("Content of source/ABC.TXT :\n" + data);

            data = File.ReadAllText("dest/ABC.TXT");
            Console.WriteLine("Content of dest/ABC.TXT :\n" + data+"\n\n\n");

            File.Copy("source/ABC.TXT", "dest/ABC.TXT",true);

            Console.WriteLine("Content After copy:\n");
            data = File.ReadAllText("source/ABC.TXT");
            Console.WriteLine("Content of source/ABC.TXT :\n" + data);

            data = File.ReadAllText("dest/ABC.TXT");
            Console.WriteLine("Content of dest/ABC.TXT :\n" + data);



Content Before copy:

Content of source/ABC.TXT :
India is a great country.
Content of dest/ABC.TXT :
Think big, Think beyond.

Content After copy:

Content of source/ABC.TXT :
India is a great country.
Content of dest/ABC.TXT :
India is a great country.

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