C# Programming
C# program to demonstrate example of nested switch statement
Nested switch statement switch statement in C# permits checking a variable/esteem with a rundown of qualities (cases) and executing the square connected with that case. At the point when we use switch statement inside another switch statement (a case statement(s)) for example switch statement inside another switch statement, we can say it is a case … Read more
C# program to input weekday number and print the weekday
Printing weekday name from weekday number A switch proclamation permits checking a variable/esteem with a rundown of qualities (cases) and executing the square connected with that case. Weekday number is the number an incentive from 0 to 6, 0 for “Sunday”, 1 for “Monday”, 2 for “Tuesday”, 3 for “Wednesday”, 4 for “Thursday”, 5 for … Read more
C# program to demonstrate example of switch statement
Syntax C# code to demonstrate an example of the switch statement Output C# code to check input character is a VOWEL or CONSOTANT using switch statement Output
C# program to check given strings are equal or not using equal to (==) operator
C# code for string comparison: Output: