Using List as Stack in Python

Python | Using List as Stack: Here, we will figure out how to utilize Lists as Stacks in Python? Here, we are executing stack program by utilizing list.

As a matter of first importance, we should mindful with the Stack – the stack is a straight information structure that takes a shot at LIFO system for example Toward the end In First Out (that implies Last embedded thing will be evacuated (popped) first).

In this way, to execute a stack, essentially we need to complete two things:

  1. Inserting (PUSH) components toward the finish of the list
  2. Removing (POP) components from the finish of the list

, for example, the two activities ought to be done from one end.

In Python, we can execute a stack by utilizing list strategies as they have the capacity to embed or evacuate/pop components from the finish of the list.

A strategy that will be utilized:

  1. append(x): Appends x toward the finish of the list
  2. pop(): Removes last components of the list

Program to utilize list stack:

# Python Example: use list as stack 

# Declare a list named as "stack"
stack = [10, 20, 30]
print ("stack elements: ");
print (stack)

# push operation 
print ("Stack elements after push opration...");
print (stack)

# push operation 
print (stack.pop (), " is removed/popped...")
print (stack.pop (), " is removed/popped...")
print (stack.pop (), " is removed/popped...")
print ("Stack elements after pop operation...");
print (stack)


stack elements:
[10, 20, 30]
Stack elements after push opration...
[10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
50  is removed/popped...
40  is removed/popped...
30  is removed/popped...
Stack elements after pop operation...
[10, 20]

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