Python Program to print Odd and Even numbers from the list of integers

Python Program to print Odd and Even numbers from the list of integers

In this article, we are going to discover odd and even numbers from the given rundown of whole numbers utilizing Python program. Rationale: To do this, we will just experience the rundown and check whether the number is distinct by 2 or not, in the event that it is detachable by 2, at that point … Read more

Python Declare any variable without assigning any value

Python Declare any variable without assigning any value

Here, we will figure out how to proclaim any factor without allotting any an incentive in Python? Since Python is a powerful programming language so there is no compelling reason to pronounce such sort of factor, it naturally announces when first-time esteem relegates in it. In any case, this is a typical inquiry posed by … Read more

Python Write functions to find the square and cube of a given number

Python Write functions to find square and cube of a given number

Here, we are going to execute a python program to discover the square and 3D shape of a given number by making capacities. Given a number, and we need to compose client characterized capacities to locate the square and 3D square of the number is Python. Example: Function to get square: Function to get cube: … Read more

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