PHP key() function Example: Here, we will figure out how to get the file of a component in a cluster which is right now pointing by the interior pointer?
To get the current pointing component’s record, we utilize the key() function.
the key() function is a library (predefined) function in PHP, which is utilized to restore the record of the current component in a cluster which is pointing.
Note: By default, a record of the current position is 0 (Zero).
Right now, are proclaiming an exhibit with a portion of the strings and printing the file utilizing the key() function. Here, we are additionally utilizing straightaway() function – that will move the pointer to the next cluster component.
//array elements
$arr = array("C", "C++", "Java", "PHP");
//printing the index of current element
echo "Index is: ". key($arr) . "<br>";
//moving to the next element
//now print the index
echo "Index is: ". key($arr) . "<br>";
//moving to the next element
//now print the index
echo "Index is: ". key($arr) . "<br>";
Index is: 0
Index is: 1
Index is: 2