Convert hexadecimal string to hex in PHP: Here, we will figure out how to change over a given hexadecimal string to the string?
Given a hexadecimal string and we need to change over it into a string of ASCII characters.
To change over a hex string to the string of ASCII characters, we can utilize pack() work with the organization “H*” it speaks to that source string is in the hexadecimal arrangement.
pack("H*", hex_string);
Input: "48656c6c6f20776f726c64"
Output: "Hello world"
Input: "4142432031323320402324252e2058595a"
Output: "ABC 123 @#$%. XYZ"
PHP Code:
$str = "Hello world";
$hex_str = bin2hex($str);
$str1 = pack("H*", $hex_str);
//printing both strings
echo ("str = " . $str . "\n");
echo ("hex_str = " . $hex_str . "\n");
echo ("str1 = " . $str1 . "\n");
$str = "ABC 123 @#$%. XYZ";
$hex_str = bin2hex($str);
$str1 = pack("H*", $hex_str);
//printing both strings
echo ("str = " . $str . "\n");
echo ("hex_str = " . $hex_str . "\n");
echo ("str1 = " . $str1 . "\n");
str = Hello world
hex_str = 48656c6c6f20776f726c64
str1 = Hello world
str = ABC 123 @#$%. XYZ
hex_str = 4142432031323320402324252e2058595a
str1 = ABC 123 @#$%. XYZ